09 September, 2009

Testosterone turns on women?

So is a successful and driven career woman more likely to have a high sex drive than her lesser-achieving sisters?

That was the conclusion drawn from research published this week which showed that women with high levels of testosterone are more likely to be risk-takers - and to have stronger sexual appetites.

It's just the latest piece in the jigsaw of the female libido, an enigma that now feeds a multi-million pound industry, with battalions of 'sexperts' racing to uncover the magic formula that will deliver the gift of better sex for all.
But it's also a battleground, with experts at war with each other over whether 'sexy' for a woman begins in her body or her brain.

Over the past decade - ironically, since the launch of Viagra for men had the unexpected side-effect of making drug treatments for sex a hot new market for both genders - millions of pounds have been poured into researching the female libido.

It has uncovered some big surprises and some baffling dead-ends. While male desire tends to be straightforward, a woman's sex drive is a complicated, multi-layered thing.

That said, some women, just like some men, do seem to have a naturally higher sex drive than others. The research just published in the U.S. would seem to back that up, showing that this may well be linked to hormones, and to testosterone in particular.

Women with high levels of testosterone are much more likely to be ambitious and assertive and to choose traditionally male careers in business and finance. They're also likely to want more sex (low levels of testosterone have been shown to produce the opposite effect).

Sex researchers have started to talk about the importance of just doing it whether you feel like it or not, to maintain your desire levels

'Eureka!' shout the biologists. This shows that female desire, like male, is rooted in body chemistry.

Simplistic rubbish, respond the psychotherapists.

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